How was the Expansion of the United States through the lands of Mexico?
The expansion was in just 50 years took over the northern part of Mexico. Under its motto: Sale or War. from Louisiana, Florida or Texas to the middle of Mexico. The invasion of Mexico, called the War of Intervention, allowed him to keep half the country.
+ Spain and Independence U.S
Once the U.S seized half of the territory of Mexico, it continued its expansion through the Hispanic territories of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. First a country was made from the Atlantic to the Pacific, then to the Caribbean and later to Asia
Mexico lost half of its territory in this expansion
The United States of America soon forgot about Spain’s help for its Independence
Through the threat of If you do not sell, you will have War, it was occupying all the Hispanic territories up to the Pacific Ocean
Occupation from the Atlantic to the Pacific
Expansion into New Spain
The United States of America soon forgot about Spain’s help to its independence. He did not respect the signed agreements and invaded New Spain
In 50 years it occupied the north of New Spain
Quickly the wave of occupation of New Spain spread. Taking advantage of the fact that they were areas with little population, it was very easy to seize them.
After the Spanish-American war, he forced Spain to hand over all of her colonies in the Pacific. Philippine Islands, Guam, Mariana Islands, Caroline Islands, Micronesia, Palau, etc.
Invasion of Mexico and continuous expansion of its territories at the expense of the possessions of the Spanish Empire. After North America sought the lands of Spain in the Pacific
U. S, with its Manifest Destiny and War
“If you don’t sell, you will have War”
The method of expansion was always the same. First an offer to buy, something that no country normally accepts, to part with its territory. In this case, Hispanics had already been in the territory for more than 300 years.
After the military invasion, the apology could vary according to the historical moment or the occurrence of the North American of the 13 colonies.
It began its expansion through the Louisiana territories. He continued with the territories of Las Floridas. And finally it invaded and occupied the North of Mexico, stripping it of half of its territory.
In a few decades it was occupying the western territories until it reached the Pacific Ocean.
The invasion of Mexico was very profitable for him, he was left with more than half of the country’s territories and the Pacific strip that somehow reached Alaska.
The Count of Aranda’s prophecy was fulfilled
Notice to King Carlos III of Spain about the future and expansion
“This federative republic was born, let’s put it that way, pygmy, because it has been formed and given by being two powers such as Spain and France, helping with their forces to make it independent today”
“He will forget the benefits he has received from both powers and will think only of his aggrandizement”
Their sights on him, first will be directed to the entire possession of the Dos Floridas to dominate the Mexican bosom!

The English colonies at the time they became independent greatly increased their population. The previous restrictions of origin disappeared, fundamentally reduced mainly to people from Great Britain.
Europeans coming mainly from Northern Europe, Germany, Holland and Scandinavians, already accustomed to cold climates, were ideal for these territories.
Although over time small numbers of Italians, Greeks etc.
His continual threat of war
Under this pressure on Mexico and seeking support from the immigrants from the 13 colonies settled in Hispanic territories, he advanced. The territories lost by the Spanish possessions in the Viceroyalty of New Spain, in little more than fifty years, was enormous
Prelude to Continuous Expansion
Spain cedes Louisiana to France (1803)
He intends to create a barrier with the help of France
Spain sees the danger posed by the independence and revolutionary current of the 13 colonies. He fears its expansion and decides to act. Through negotiations with France, she exchanges La Luisiana for family obligations of the Bourbon Kings, in Northern Italy.
In this way she will put a French buffer barrier between her colonies and the new country. That way he could count on France in the face of any complication with the new independent territories. The royal family of the Bourbons reigned in two different countries, France and Spain
To make sure, a clause was added that prevented the sale of the territory to the U.S.A (Union of American States).
The French Revolution ends with the Kings. Napoleon seizes power in France, breaches the agreement and sells La Luisiana to U. S. Therefore, the barrier with the Hispanic territories disappears. From that moment on, there is already a border between the U. S and the North of New Spain (the territories of present-day Mexico).
The Attempt: Treaty of Adams-Onís (1819)
Spain cedes the territories of the Orejón that it included, now British Columbia (Canada), Washington, Idaho, along with areas of Montana and Wyoming
Cede Las Floridas, already invaded
In the context of the great attrition for Spain, more than a decade of Napoleonic wars in Europe, and the struggle to maintain its own independence that was in danger, due to the invasion of Napoleon, the negotiations were carried out.
In the Florida territories, he carried out a military occupation especially in the interior of the peninsula. Soon Spain saw that it had in fact occupied much of her territory. It was considered an acceptable agreement, because the US army had already occupied Florida, Spain already gave it up for lost. In addition, the area on the Canadian border, El Orejón, was less useful than Texas.
With the agreement, new limits were set
Trying to secure the possession of some territories, others such as Las Floridas, the Oregon area and other small areas were ceded, which passed to the power of U. S.
Unfortunately, the agreement was not fulfilled, and although it specified that there would be no more concessions, it only served to lose territories, since years later the United States would also ask for Texas. The U. S wanted it all and would get it little by little.
Progressive occupation of Hispanic territories
Loss of Las Floridas (1819)
The Treaty was made with the future of the rest of the Hispanic territories in mind. Spain cedes Las Floridas in exchange for respecting the sovereignty of Texas
It was considered a good agreement since it was made when the territory was already partly occupied by the North American army. The agreement took full effect two years later.
Unfortunately U.S. It did not comply with this, nor the subsequent treaties that were signed. It did not honor a single important treaty.
Loss of Texas (1845)
Attempt to buy Texas, uprising and the war of intervention
For years Mexico allowed Anglo-Saxon settlers to settle in Texas. When they realized the mistake it was too late. They soon discovered that they were already inside the house, defying the laws and well armed.
In 1825, the US tried to buy Texas from Mexico, but the latter refused. Years later there is an uprising against Mexico, with American help.
Soon Texas is not enough and Rio Bravo territories are invaded. The American Intervention War begins. From that moment on, the Anglo-Saxons would rise up and the territories would not assume the authority of Mexico.
Loss of California (1848)
Their territories occupied the coast and even reached Vancouver and Nutka Island (Canada) and Alaska
Taking advantage of the fact that a part of the population of Anglo-Saxon origin already existed due to the permissiveness of the Mexican authorities, the U.S organized an uprising and sent an army to support it.
The territories of California, called El Orejón in its northern area, covered the entire area reaching Vancouver or Nutka Island. There were even Spanish colonies in Alaska and toponyms such as Valdez, Cordova, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Malaespina Glacier remain.
Wars against Mexico and against Spain
War of Intervention: (1846-1848)
Mexico loses half of its territory
Due to the invasion of Mexican territory by U.S. troops, a huge extension of this country was lost.
The United States was not satisfied with the annexation of Texas. Soon he sent troops 200 km further north (Rio Bravo) into Mexican territory. The limits of Texas then were the Río Nueces. North American troops penetrate into Mexican territory, the Mexicans interpose themselves and the war begins.
After the defeat of Mexico, Texas became American and compensation was paid to Mexico since a part of the territory had been taken from it.
After the invasion of the North American army of Mexico, the new border of Texas would remain in the Rio Bravo and all the territories between New Mexico and Alta California are lost.
The Treaty of Guadalupe (1848)
Total loss of California, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas
And areas of Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Arizona
Baptized as the Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Limits and Definitive Agreement between the U.S. and Mexico, but in 1854 the Mesilla Treaty was re-signed in which Mexico lost territory again
After a war that caused 20,000 deaths, Mexico was forced to sign the Treaty of Guadalupe with a catastrophic result, losing more than half of its territory (2,000,000 km2, the equivalent of 4 times the territory of Spain). Texas definitely passes to the United States. The North American Senate did not guarantee the property of the lands and the rights as citizens of Hispanics.
In some states such as, for example, California, someone who was not white was prohibited from owning property and being a citizen.
Once the territory was occupied, the lynchings of Hispanics and the massacre of indigenous people was brutal. The properties and ranches passed to the Anglo-Saxons, after the expulsion or genocide of Indians and Hispanics.
Spanish-American War (1898)
Invasion of the territory by US troops
As a pretext for the sinking of the North American battleship Maine in Havana, the United States enters Cuba and seizes Puerto Rico.
He also asks to sign peace, the Philippine Islands and Guam, the largest island of the Marianas in the Pacific Ocean. This agreement caused the loss of the Caroline Islands and Palau, since Spain, by losing its main bases in the area, could not maintain them.
Loss of Puerto Rico (1898)
The entrance to the Caribbean Sea and its strategic position, was one of the following objectives. It only took a swift invasion. First a military ship is sent to Cuba. The apology was an explosion on this U.S. ship anchored in Havana. It was considered an act of war and the just reason for a military intervention.
As a consequence of the war, the United States occupied the island. After 400 years the island of Puerto Rico would cease to be Spanish. Later it would become an associate state of the USA.
Loss of the Philippines and Guam (1898)
Guam is the largest of the Mariana Islands. It would come to the US as part of the end-of-war deal. The Philippine islands would pass entirely to the USA.
With these territories in the Pacific Ocean, already on the border of Asia, he achieved that all the territories of Spanish sovereignty for more than 350 years passed to the sovereignty of the United States.
Half of Mexico occupied by the U.S
He occupied the country that helped him to be an Independent Nation
When Father Junípero Serra asked each Spanish for 2 pesos in the missions and each Indian for 1 peso, to help the independence of the 13 colonies, he did not suspect such ingratitude, years later.
The Hispanic inhabitants of the territories of New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Utah, Oregon, Colorado, California saw how, with the expansion of the United States, their lands were occupied without respecting their rights. And the same thing happened with the Hispanics, just as it was done with the hanging of blacks, or Indians to occupy their lands.
For centuries there has been talk of slavery and the mistreatment of black slaves, but what has been done with Hispanics has been silenced and is little known.
Probably without knowing or without remembering that to the 13 English colonies of the present U.S, their Hispanic grandparents helped to be an independent nation.