Europeans were also slaves
Before expeditions to Africa were organized to obtain black-skinned slaves, there were white slaves. Rescues were another good deal for pirates, crooks. and even kings.
Religion the excuse and Slavery the big business
It is not surprising that the slave trade was a very lucrative activity in America, since until the 19th century, there were even them in Europe. Until the taking of Algiers in the mid-19th century, it was a lucrative activity.
The most prized value: slaves
Slavery lasted until the nineteenth century in Europe Not so long ago that it has disappeared en masse, because there are still isolated areas of the world where it is practiced. Slaves still exist in a more or less covert form.
Pirate flag with skull and bones of one of the famous pirates
Until the occupation of Algiers in 1856, there were slaves in the Mediterranean
Human trafficking was big business. The city of Algiers lived for centuries of piracy, the slave trade and the rescues of nobles or important people who fell into the hands of its pirates.
Religion was justification
Pirates and countries used religion as a justification to permanently enslave captives. Until the disappearance of the Barbary pirates, religion was used to enslave the unbeliever.
In the Mediterranean Sea until the occupation of Algiers in France, the attacks of the Barbary Pirates did not disappear. In America there were slaves until abolition in the United States in 1860 and in Spanish territories in 1880.
The justification for slavery: Christian or Muslim
Christian and Berber corsairs, at the service of Kings and Sultans
The Christian Monarchs also used corsairs to attack both ships and Mediterranean populations. Since the first millennium, the Crown of Aragon used Roger de Flor to settle their possessions. Frederick II of Sicily sought the services of the Corsair Roger de Flor.
The Emperor of Byzantium hired corsairs and mercenaries to attack the Turks, when they still did not control the entire Anatolian Peninsula. At his service Roger de Flor, at the head of the Almogávares, defeated the Turks on several occasions. The Turks later, also used the Barbary corsairs, to attack the European Coasts.
On the other hand, it is not surprising that the slave trade was a very lucrative activity in America, since until the 19th century, there were even them in Europe.
How could it not exist in distant America, when it was one of the main activities of the Berber pirates in the Mediterranean, in nearby Europe, with which both Christians and Muslims were enriched. Until the 19th century, when France withdrew its support and occupied the city of Algiers definitively in 1830, along with all of Algeria, the Berber pirates did not stop trafficking.