Chronicle of an announced World Pandemic, Covid-19. When the dead are already calculated in a Davos Simulation. Biotechnology at the service of whom?
The strange case of China’s Coronavirus
More than a Pandemic, they present it as a War. And while the Coronavirus spreads across the planet, some win, others wait for what lies ahead
Tails and masks an oriental custom, increasingly common throughout the world
With prevention and isolation, an attempt is made to stop the pandemic in exchange for a strong economic crisis
COVID-19 Big global business?
Covert World War III. Emerges what was already known, China the new world leader.
These are the current data of infected and dead in the world in Real Time
+ World data by countries
Already predicted (2007)
It was already predicted that it could happen in a report by the Clinical Microbiology Reviews of the University of Hong Kong, of the latent danger in China, and that certain practices were a time bomb.
Notice of “ticking bomb” in China
Playing with fire
Creating Super-Virus (2015)
The Italian RTV in 2015 reported that Chinese scientists had created a pulmonary supervirus in bats and mice. The Chinese inserted a protein from bats into the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus, causing acute pneumonia in mice, but it could affect humans. This protein applied in humans allows the Coronavirus to attack respiratory cells.
Chinese research continues and the Scientific Community considers the benefits to be irrelevant compared to the great danger it poses to humanity.
And he asks himself, is it worth the risk it entails?
Others consider that it was necessary to create a virus, nature already has it and it was only to locate it. Thousands of species are in danger of extinction, but they are interested in bats.
The controversial Chinese video
Chinese scientists investigate bat viruse
This VIDEO supports the theory that the coronavirus came out of a laboratory
This documentary is produced with Video material from China Science Communication, and this chapter aired in December 2019, a few weeks before the outbreak in Wuhan.
Chinese scientists in Hubei looking for bats for their laboratory in Wuhan. Images from Chinese TV, as an example of Chinese scientists at the forefront. They work in a laboratory classified as P4, the highest level in biosafety.
Davos Forum simulations
In New York on October 18, 2019, a pandemic drill was held at the Johns Hopkins Center. The experiment funded by Canada and France among others. According to the calculations, 65,000,000 people could die, all over the world.
The North American pharmaceutical multinational Johnson & Johnson participated in it. Henry Schein Medicine, provider of medical, clinical, nursing and healthcare supplies.
Global Research reports on the Covid-19 patent as a biological warfare agent. With a great destructive power over economies and people. As well as the large numbers of millions that move vaccines.
Celebrity ads
Chronicle of a long-announced pandemic. Bill Gates warned in 2015 that Humanity is not prepared for a global pandemic, which could cause more than 10,000,000 deaths. Something that he has been commenting on for years. Visionary or insider information?
A Chinese doctor, Li Wenliang, tried to alert about coronavirus. He was sanctioned along with 7 other people for spreading false rumors. He warned other colleagues that they had to wear masks to avoid being infected. A few days later, he received a visit from Officials of the Public Security Office who made him sign a letter in which they accused him that he had “made false comments, which had seriously disturbed the Social Order.”
This doctor ended up dying. and the Chinese authorities finally confirmed his death, after a day of chaos and denials. This event provoked first indignation and then anger in the Chinese social network, accusing the government of having tried to hide the pandemic and its severity.
Hiding the Pandemic
Censorship in China is total. The information has been transmitted through videos recorded by individuals, which have gone viral on the networks. One of these authors Fangbin, from Wuhan, even published 20 videos, until he was arrested by the police. He reflected the atmosphere of hospitals and how the dead were piled up in hearses. Among the complainants of the situation, there were many disappeared such as lawyer Chen Qiushi.
The Pandemic Spreads
Soon the situation in Wuhan is unsustainable, it is attributed to the local market, as the center of the pandemic. Wuhan city with its 11,000,000 inhabitants is isolated. Seeing that it is not enough, they adopt seclusion for the entire Hubei county, a total of 60,000,000 people.
New epicenters of the pandemic soon appear in South Korea, Iran, Italy and Spain. Subsequently, a hundred countries on all continents are already infected.
Hiding sick and dead
Many doubt that a country like China with 1,300,000,000 inhabitants, of the figures and that the current number of sick and dead is very small compared to the rest of the world. And much more if you have just emerged from a large city isolation for months.
In the city center of the pandemic, Wuhan, while the official deaths are little more than 3,000, the number of coffins used by funeral homes are more than 40,000 and they finished with stocks.
How is it possible that the virus has not spread to cities like Shanghai with 17,000,000, Beijing with 13,000,000 or Canton with 12,000,000. Highly polluted cities that facilitate the spread of the virus.
It is considered that in the total of China, an estimated 2,000,000 people have died. Which is the proportion that corresponds to the country’s population, which is more than one billion people. If among those infected by the coronavirus the mortality rate is between 1.5 to 2.3 per thousand, it is the minimum of what may have happened.
In China, asymptomatic infected are not reported even if they test positive. And it may be the case that they are carriers and continue to be infected. Affected people were sent home. And if they died at home, they were not included in the official statistics.
Also in other countries the data has been hidden or minimized, such as. France until recently, did not include the dead in nursing homes. Or in Turkey where health workers are prohibited from reporting the situation. And where several journalists have been arrested for doing so.
Let the old men die!
The virus especially affects the elderly, the older they are, the more likely they cannot bear the infection. According to Eurostat, Italy, Portugal and Spain are the countries where more than 20% of the population is over 65 years old. Here is why such a large number of deaths from covid-19.
> 60-69 years = 4 / thousand
> 70-79 years = 8 / thousand
> 80 years = 15 / thousand
There have been scandalous statements such as that of an American politician, who said that it would be an honor for him, “to die to maintain the spirit and life of welfare of America.” Although many of us remember that of that Japanese Minister who considered that “the elderly live too long”
By consenting to the death of the elderly, the dehumanization begins. This society was built by them and everything we have we owe to them. And part of the historical memory is lost with them. A few because they lived or were witnesses or their parents told them about the rise of fascism and the horrors of war. A last world war that caused more than 60,000,000 deaths.
At the time we live with the resurgence of fascism, with their same philosophy, worship of the messianic leader, racism, the enemy: the immigrant, rejection of democracy, promotion of arms, creation of empires, etc. is a great loss .
If we forget history, History can repeat itself. And they knew the atrocities and the world war that was suffered, either by fascism or by communist dictatorships.
A Chinese doctor, Li Wenliang, tried to alert about coronavirus. He was sanctioned along with 7 other people for spreading false rumors. He warned other colleagues that they had to wear masks to avoid being infected. A few days later, I received a visit from Officials of the Public Security Office who made him sign a letter in which they accused him that he had “made false comments, which had seriously disturbed the Social Order.”
This doctor ended up dying. and the Chinese authorities finally confirmed his death of him, after a day of chaos and denials. This event provoked first indignation and then anger in the Chinese social network, accusing the government of having tried to hide the pandemic and its severity.
Hiding and Pandemic
There have been scandalous statements such as that of an American politician, who said that it would be an honor for him, “to die to maintain the spirit and life of welfare of America.” Although many of us remember that of that Japanese Minister who considered that “the elderly live too long”
By consenting to the death of the elderly, the dehumanization begins. This society was built by them and everything we have we owe to them. And part of the historical memory is lost with them. A few because they lived or were witnesses or their parents told them about the rise of fascism and the horrors of war. A last world war that caused more than 60,000,000 deaths.
At the time we live with the resurgence of fascism, with their same philosophy, worship of the messianic leader, racism, the enemy: the immigrant, rejection of democracy, promotion of arms, creation of empires, etc. is a great loss.
If we forget history, History can repeat itself. And they knew the atrocities and the world war that was suffered, either by fascism or by communist dictatorships.
Jeffery Ding has reported in the Taiwan News that the Chinese Government will use facial recognition and mobile tracking to observe the population and monitor everything they do or comment on mobile phones.
In China movements are controlled, and from now on it will be justified by the possible disease state of the population. Authorities agents check people’s data and symptoms with the help of computer tools, such as apps and robots.
In some countries, and not only in Asia, the occasion is seized for greater population control.
The enemy is the Other
While President Trump accuses the Chinese Virus and calls to mobilize the Americans. In China they are convinced it is the American Virus, since it is believed that the Americans brought it.
Violence as an alternative
Control, shoot to kill
The method to control epidemics can also be used to control people. Robots used to monitor people may be used for less-than-democratic purposes. This will happen especially in countries with more or less covert dictatorships.
Always in the name of the Common Good, everything works. There are more or less exaggerated cases of applying this. In the Philippines, the police and the army were ordered to shoot at people who did not comply with isolation during the state of alarm.
Philippines: “If you cause trouble, to the grave”:
Methods: technological or violent
In China, as the authoritarian regime becomes more threatened, new methods and weapons are being developed to control crowds.
In China, anything goes to stop the pandemic
Chinese police force out of their homes
Dissidents = Infected
To all those who dared to denounce the situation and the lies of the Chinese regime aside at the moment. Health applications are used for population control. Dissidents are labeled sick and placed in a special quarantine.
False quarantines, torture and disappearances
Mobile control
From the beginning of 2020 in China there will be new regulations for the control of telecommunications. The operators are obliged to register the Facial Biometric Parameters for each user who buys a new mobile phone.
If there is a change of telephone, it is mandatory to discuss all the photographs that were taken with him.
This is how China controls its citizens
Surveillance in the classrooms
China has already experimented with placing facial recognition cameras in classrooms to monitor students’ attention. They measure their expressions and assign a score that is shared in public. First on a screen in the classroom itself, then on other screens in community settings such as hallways. Available to the rest of the school.
The New Police and the masses
The training of police officers in the use of this new weapon in the form of a fork with only two ends with a long handle of 2 m has already begun. With the same it is easy to separate protesters and throw them to the ground, to immobilize them with ease.
Chinese police show off their new control weapon
Police and sonic weapons
The new weapon that the police will use will be portable and will emit sounds. Some of them will be ultrasonic or infrasonic. These sounds are inaudible to the human ear.
However, its effects can be devastating since they can cause from disorientation, vertigo, vomiting to spasms in the intestines, internal organs or the heart. As they are not visible weapons, they can cause serious damage without leaving a trace. It will be difficult to prove the injuries suffered by protesters or victims.
Police and laser weapons
The weapons from the space movies are here. A laser rifle that at a distance of 800m can burn your skin, or make your clothes burn. The pain from your burn can be horrible. It also works through crystals. You can enter a house through the windows.
Portable Sonic Weapon and Laser for Crowd Control
Infrared Police
Wearing special helmets, they can read the temperature at 5 m, of all those who pass through the area. Through temperature they can detect a possible virus carrier. Its isolation in time can avoid contagion to others.
At the moment it is used for this mission, they say, but once the population is accustomed, it can be used for other less clear missions, such as control of suspects or dissidents.
Robocops cops
Movement control
Jeffery Ding has reported in the Taiwan News that the Chinese Government will use facial recognition and mobile tracking to observe the population and monitor everything they do or comment on mobile phones.
In China movements are controlled, and from now on it will be justified by the possible disease state of the population. Authorities agents check people’s data and symptoms with the help of computer tools, such as apps and robots.
Geolocation in Study
The rise of authoritarianism is increasing, taking advantage of the pandemic and that the population is being held in their homes by the Covid-19 quarantine.
What comes: can it stay?
In Slovenia, the government with a strong presence of the extreme right, has not only changed the main commanders of the police and the army, it is also working to gain control of cell phones. When citizens come out of quarantine they will find a different country. The Government tries to expand the powers of the police, so that it can enter private homes and track the mobiles of those suspected of being infected with Covid-19 without a court order.
In Hungary, in response to the need to face the coronavirus, a law has been approved that allows far-right Viktor Orbán to lead the country with extraordinary powers, without time limits and without control. He will also be able to put in prison, anyone he thinks creates scaremongering. Which can be used to imprison anyone from the opposition.
Absolute power in Hungary
In Turkey, the largest prison for journalists in the world. At this time, when there were more than 120 journalists, the arrests have resumed, accusing them of scaremongering for reporting on the health situation due to the coronavirus.
Prison in Turkey
Similar measures are being studied in other countries. At times of any crisis, solutions are sought that allow citizens to be controlled. And what better time to establish those than in the middle of a confinement of the population. The temporary is intended to be permanently maintained.
Pandemics and the Temptation of Authoritarianism
In the US the restrictions are increasing year after year. According to the American economist, Paul Krugman, the country can become an authoritarian regime in a few years.
Of course, no concentration will be allowed in the future, always in the general interest. Something that was already being done but without such a perfect justification.
Spain studies Geolocation against Covid-19
Emergence of the army
Some say that the army has even gotten us into the soup. When in reality, what was needed were toilets. In almost all countries, military units have been given great prominence. They have been seen carrying out lifting temporary hospitals or cleaning of Stations, Airports etc. Activities that personnel from any other agency could perform, including the police, firefighters, or municipal employees.
However, while the health workers who cared for hundreds of infected patients without adequate clothing and masks, the military used the best, when the tasks that the army has carried out, against Covid-19 are normally not of great danger, since they are usually in outdoors and rarely with infected people. The presence and the military language appear in all the media.
Arms sales grow
While in some countries the paranoia has been to buy toilet paper, in the United States it has been the purchase of weapons. Even people who did not have weapons have made purchases. Some types of ammunition have run out. There has been a 40% increase in the sale of weapons.
In the United States, the United States has an internal war, trying to maintain a regime, where good jobs, health and education can only be had by a few. There are more deaths in this war than in the set of American soldiers killed in its numerous wars abroad. For example, there are more than 17,000 assassinations, those recognized by the US government, in 1917.
Number of murders in the U.S. per year, since 1990
Data on armed violence by States of the United States, shootings, etc.
O.M.S is observed
The World Health Organization is not a totally independent body, as is often assumed. It really is a UN Agency. Its staff is predominantly medical, but subject to enormous political pressure from governments. You think about it a lot before making recommendations.
Accused of scaremongering in other epidemics. Among his accusations, he is in part at the service of the interests of governments and pharmaceutical companies that occurred during the swine flu (H1N1) in 2009. That is why this time it took 4 months to consider Covid-19, a Pandemic.
From now on, in the media, TV, press, etc. they have not tired of repeating or hinting that it will happen again. The millionaire interests in vaccines for the entire population of the world, 7,800,000,000, are enormous. The fight between the pharmaceutical companies is a great race, to be the first to sell the vaccine.
The Bank always wins!
Since it is known that the virus can remain on banknotes and the metal of coins for sometimes several days, this form of payment has been largely abandoned. The use of bank cards to avoid possible contagions due to the use of currencies, is increasing the profits of the banks. The health crisis has definitively established electronic money in our lives.
Health Apps arrive
The expansion of the disease makes the Health Apps and telecare or telemedicine grow. These applications so far not very accepted by health personnel. They can change their course when they discover that they can reduce visits to hospitals and avoid contagion to health personnel. They will generate a million dollar business in a few years.
Teleworking is promoted
The inability to go to the workplace due to isolation in many cases, has encouraged it. In those cases where it has been possible, meetings have been held and remote teams have been managed. Only the companies whose activity allowed it and better digitized have been able to do so.
The importance of the Basics
We have discovered something forgotten, the basic thing is not the upward consumption, but the basic products in supermarkets and health. Sectors. one even sometimes despised, that of the field and food. The other, the sanitary, had progressively suffered large cuts.
The importance of the Public
When before the arrival of Covid-19, the private mutuals that did not cover the pandemic communicated, among their services, the world sank for all those who promoted the idea and despised public health. From the private hospitals, patients were sent to the already overloaded public hospitals, with no other alternative.
The famous proposal of “Have a private insurance, and you will have everything”, made discovering the reality of private health many feel a feeling of abandonment and scam by the insurance company they had been paying, an expensive fee, to times a lifetime.
Health technology
The new 5G Thermometers, Robots or Drones are the new technologies against the coronavirus. In China, some boxes are already used as bank ATMs, where just by bringing your head closer, they can detect if you have a fever. Robots move around public places, such as promenades or stations, analyzing passersby for symptoms of the disease.
The third world war?
After this pandemic there have been global geostrategic changes. A fight for world hegemony. The industrial stoppage in Europe and America has caused a large drop in the price of oil. China’s savings of $ 300 million a day in fuel.
Europe has been divided by the refusal of the countries of the North, Germany, Austria, Holland, Finland etc. to accept the requests of the countries of the South: Portugal, Spain, Italy and even France. This division has created a bill in Europe, since the countries of the South have already suffered from the crisis and the excessive costs of bailouts.
Border closures, and blame the other. Public opinion in the US considers the virus to be Chinese. However, for China it is North American since it considers that it was during the Military World Games, when the virus was introduced into the country.
China world hegemony
The USA will suffer a great crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, production largely paralyzed and the country isolated. Due to the greed of some and the lack of vision of the population in the US and Europe, the world’s production depends on China.
Without firing a single shot, it has already become clear which is the country from which almost everything must be ordered, including products as basic as masks or respirators. They even allow themselves to do propaganda by sending some Chinese aid to Italy, from where the new Silk Road starts to Asia. Russia humiliates the U.S.A by sending medical supplies.
We have made a new World Leader among all, China and it looks