The empire of Spain, on all continents
Why is Spain being judged so harshly?
Why are all the Empires mentioned, and Spain not mentioned?
Why is it not appreciated that Spain created the first mestizo empire in the world?
Why is Spain accused of being intolerant and non-entrepreneurial?
Why has everyone, even the Spanish, believed this black legend?
Where and when did this Spanish Black Legend begin?
The anti-Spanish Black Legend has been so effective and has lasted for so long that it has been assumed by both the Spanish and by all the countries where it has arrived. And it still lasts and is used continuously to continue obtaining economic and cultural advantages by the countries that created it.
A huge empire
The Spanish Empire was the largest of its time. England, France, Holland feared that it would become a world empire. He had possessions in America, Africa, Asia. Its power and spread was greatly increased. However, neither economically nor militarily they could not confront him directly. Militarily they used the corsairs to wear down Spain. They created a multitude of fronts for him. This forced to deploy its naval navy and its armies all over the world.
Propaganda as a weapon
His most effective weapon was to discredit Spain. A Spanish Black Legend was created and nurtured for centuries with ingredients such as Intolerance, Greed, Cruelty, Cultural delay, Technological delay, Lack of entrepreneurship and innovation, etc.
Creating the Legend
The crimes committed by England and the other countries were blamed on Spain. All this was disclosed through the newly appeared printing press. Thousands of fantastic images were created reflecting the greatest monstrosities and distributed throughout Europe. The new identities of these countries were forged with the barbaric Spain as their antithesis, which they had invented.
The history of Spain was hidden and deformed inside and outside the country. The arrival of the Bourbons blocked the knowledge of the Hispanic achievements, made by the House of Austria. Fearing that the old dynasty would return to power, they discredited it and prevented its authentic feats from being known in America.
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Motherland (Marcelo Gullo)
Marcelo Gullo Omodeo
The black legend that led to the social and cultural subordination of Spanish America and Spain for centuries
Última actualización el 2021-05-18 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
The Black Legend: History of Hate to Spain (Albert G. Ibañez)
Why in the country that starred in the greatest feats in history and without whose leadership neither Christianity nor the West would have managed to survive, do its citizens have such a bad concept of its past and its present?
How is it possible that a nation that connected the two worlds with “the discovery of America”, that prompted Elcano’s first round the world tour, made colossal contributions such as the Toledo School of Translators and saw the birth of characters like Isidoro de Sevilla, Isabel la Católica, Fernando de Aragón, Carlos I, Felipe II, Cervantes, Santa Teresa, Goya, Jovellanos, Ramón y Cajal or Ortega?
It was necessary to analyze the reasons and the methods used (among others, the double yardstick) to build the most aggressive and enduring black legend in history. It was necessary to study how and why “external” anti-Spanish propaganda settled in the national collective imagination, and influenced our decadence from the sixteenth century, until we were assumed to be inquisitorial, grotesque, ignorant and fanatical.
It was necessary to examine how this “intramural” myth resulted in a “historical-cultural harakiri”, unique in the world, thanks to a stubborn naivety. It was necessary to update the arguments of Julián Juderías and P.W. Powell with new data and an analysis that, based on historiographic sources, applied an interdisciplinary methodology.
Finally, it was necessary to observe how this black legend subsists today, while at the same time suggesting ways to overcome it through a new project of collective success.
The Black Legend: History of Hate to Spain sheds a new light on this period. After the success of The Silenced Conspiracy Against Spain, Alberto G. Ibáñez surprises us with a new essay, even more incisive and penetrating.
Última actualización el 2021-05-23 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
Failure (Elvira Roca)
Spain and its elites: from the Frenchified to today
Última actualización el 2021-05-23 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados