The Spy saved thousands of dead in the Normandy Landing
The skills of the spy Joan Pujol prevented the failure of the American landing by fooling the Germans into believing that there would be a much larger second action in Calais. His extraordinary work paid off on June 4, 1944, when the Allied Landing began on the beaches of Normandy.
If it were not for his actions, there would have been many thousands more deaths of Americans during the landing. It could even have failed, due to the enormous number of German land, sea and air troops in the area. The allies could have been surrounded and thrown into the sea, by the terrible German chariots offered.
Horrified the triumph of the fascists
He was able to contemplate the entry of the Spanish fascists in Barcelona accompanied by their Nazi German allies of Hitler and Italian fascists of Mussolini, he decides to fight fascism. He transforms and begins his life as a spy against fascism. From that moment on he would be known as Juan Pujol.
British: he volunteers and is rejected as a spy
He contacts the British embassy, to offer his help against the Germans. However he is rejected, and is not allowed to help. Disappointed, he thinks how to make them change their minds about him.
German: offered and accepted by espionage
Alaric Arabel codenamed him for the Germans
Disappointed by the British rejection, he decides to show his skills in the face of German espionage. They accept his help, he works for them and earns his trust. He makes them believe that he is in England. He actually looks for information about England in the Lisbon Library, where he is going to live.
The British prove his worth and accept him
Garbo codenamed him for the British
Checking the British espionage that the information transmitted by Joan Pujol to the Germans are lies camouflaged as truths, they decide to accept his help. He starts working for them.
Double agent in the service of the British
From that moment on he will work creatively and intensely until he gets an excellent job done. One of his English bosses defined him as:
Garbo: The best actor in the world
He creates a fake network of made-up spies
Create 22 fake spies invented by him
He begins to invent a network of non-existent spies who work for him in England. False spies of all professions, waiters, port stevedores, clerks everywhere on the Island. Every day he transmits to the Germans the information that these spies supposedly transmit to him.
He misinforms the Germans about the Landing
He makes believe that the allied landing will have two phases. The first would be on the beaches of Normandy, as a diversionary maneuver, to attract the bulk of the German battleships. The second would be the true one in the narrow Pas de Calais almost 300 km from Normandy.
To top off the deception when the ships and landing craft were less than 2 hours from the Normandy beaches navigating the English Channel he sent the last warning. He telegraphed to the Germans that the landing had begun and that he was sailing towards Normandy. The Germans could not believe it because in the middle of the night they still did not appreciate any ship, or sign of disembarkation.
His efforts paid off on D-Day in Normandy
Landing in Normandy before the Germans
The deception worked, to watch in amazement as the American landing craft appeared in Normandy. But believing the history the Germans of the true allied landing would be in Calais, they left the bulk of their troops in front of the strait. When the spy Joan Pujol contacted them again, he informed them that there would be no other landing. By this time the allies had already become strong in Normandy and were advancing unstoppable.
Decorated by Churchill and Hitler
He was decorated by both the English and the Germans who were delighted by his services. From the Germans he received huge amounts of money so that he could pay the more than 20 fake agents that he had invented.
He saved thousands of possible Allied casualties, if the Germans were to send their battleships to Normandy, on Landing Day.