The price of the head of William of Orange 25 crowns and a noble title
+ The Spanish Black Legend
Tired of so many wars, Carlos I of Spain (Carlos V of Germany) abdicates in his son Felipe II, At this time, the first decisions of Felipe II, created the seeds of conflict, in the Netherlands. One of his decisions to put people of his trust in key positions in these territories.
Some nobles who enjoyed power, wanted more, and did not resign themselves to being in the background and losing influence, conspired against the Spanish monarch. The Earl of Egmont and the Earl of Horn together with William of Orange who finances the operation, initiate the revolt. The Duke of Alba takes action and the first two are captured. Guillermo de Orange manages to escape and becomes the leader of the revolt. He hires German mercenaries who, led by his brother Luis, invade the north of the Netherlands, defeating a party of Spanish troops. The Duke of Alba responds by occupying the area and executing some of the main nobles previously arrested.
Fed up with the problems in the Netherlands, which began as early as 1566, after 14 years, he decided to kill William of Orange. At that time the nobles still respected each other, and royal blood was an extenuating factor for forgiveness and royal consideration.
On March 15, 1581, Felipe II, King of the Spanish Crown, issued a search and capture order with a reward against Prince William of Orange. He puts a price on his head and accuses him of Heresy and ingratitude. And he adds the accusation of traitor to his sovereign.
Little did Philip II suspect that although in a few years the Prince of Orange would die, (he would die assassinated in 1584) the conflict that had begun in 1568 would not end until 1640 with the Independence of Holland. Spain not only fought against the rebels later called Dutch, but also with French and English armies that could easily be supplied due to the proximity of their countries.
Nearby European countries, especially France and England, used the Netherlands as a permanent battlefield that caused continuous attrition, debiting Spain, which was forced to permanently place many expensive troops in the territory, as well as a navy that would have served him well in America.
Guillermo de Orange during those years has done almost everything against Spain. He creates armies, fosters corsairs at sea, changes his religion, joins the Protestants, fails the peace pacts, which he has signed, and even elects a Frenchman as sovereign of the Netherlands.
It already has merits because in the year 1568, it financed and organized the pirates (Beggars of the Sea) using them as corsairs at its command, against the Spanish ships. He then forms an army and joins the French Protestants (Huguenots).
Again in 1574 he formed another new army after converting to Calvinism. Years later, in 1577, the Peace Agreement was skipped, which avoided persecuting Catholics.
But he is not satisfied with this, in the year 1578 he supports the Union of Utrech (Union of the rebel provinces) and a year later in 1579 he proclaims the French, Duke of Anjou as monarch of the Netherlands. This ended the patience of the Spanish King, who cannot tolerate losing the land where his father was born.
Homicide and reward
The announcement of the King’s order denouncing Guillermo de Oragen as an enemy of humanity, reached the ears of Balthasar Gérard. This was a law student, admirer of the King of the most important Empire in the world, but he was also sovereign of the Netherlands and Count of Burgundy.
I finished with Guillermo de Orange but he could not escape and was captured. Those who spoke so much about the torture of the Spanish did not fall short in what they did to him. All kinds of torture that apprenticed Aztec priests.

Balthaser Gerards
Since Balthaser Gerards was tortured in a truly heinous manner. The reward was received by the family. His parents were granted an income and land in Franche-Comté.