The Pirate Treasure Buried Where is it?
A pirate treasure is the dream of many children. Trunks full of Gold and Silver, coins, weapons, jewels, precious stones. crowns, necklaces, bracelets, bangles. The appearance of fabulous pirate treasures has always amazed.
Chest from the pirate era
The treasure hunt and the pirates
Still, some of the riches buried by the Filibusteros are being searched all over the world and others, although it is suspected where they are, have not yet been unearthed. The pirates hid them well, sometimes in caves that were difficult to access. Other times they were buried on islands, if possible uninhabited. For this reason the maps were very important to be able to return to the place, and recover the treasure.
At the bottom of the sea, there are also riches of ships sunk by storms or by naval battles in their attempt to defend themselves against pirates and corsairs. These treasures are much more difficult to locate, since the waves and tides have buried or displaced their contents.
The dream of every pirate was to get a treasure by boarding Spanish ships loaded with wealth, gold, silver, jewels, precious stones etc.
The Pirate Treasure Hunt
Gold, Silver, Jewels, Diamonds, Rubies, Silks ..
Incredible riches were sometimes transported on ships. From treasures from America, such as the treasures that the Aztecs or the Incas had, to treasures that came from India or China. Gold and silver coins, jewelry, necklaces, rings, crowns, luxurious clothes, silk fabrics, etc. they all had great value. Really getting something like this was every pirate’s dream.
Looking for the treasure
The Spanish Conqueror Hernán Cortés sent his Emperor Charles V a fabulous treasure. The capture of this treasure of Moctezuma by the French pirates, first astonished France and then all of Europe.
The kings of France were able to get their hands on the incredible riches of America. Huge amounts of Gold, Silver, in the form of Jewels, necklaces, bracelets, crowns, earrings, ornaments, wristbands etc appeared before his eyes. They were able to contemplate them and hold them in their hands
The Pirate’s Dream
Getting a good treasure was the dream of every pirate. With him they could live much better. They did everything possible to get out of a life where poverty was the norm, if not misery.
A multitude of sailors prepared their ships and went to sea looking for the seas of America. A new promised land full of riches.
Treasures from around the world
Treasures of China and India
As the pirates moved towards the routes of Asia, they discovered new treasures.
The boarding of Indian and Chinese ships filled them with surprise and admiration. They were amazed at his riches. Precious stones and fabrics that they had not seen before and that were of great value.
The treasure chest
Filled with Gold, Silver and Jewels
A trunk full of riches, bracelets, necklaces, gold and silver crowns, bracelets, plates. Spanish Gold and Silver coins. Weapons with ivory and diamond hilts, etc.