The Horn of Africa: Somalia, nest of dangerous pirates
Piracy in the Horn of Africa, Somalia pirate base. Attacks on merchant ships and luxury cruise ships, with kidnappings and millionaire ransoms are the fear of the ships that sail through these waters
To the danger of sea navigation, we must add pirate attacks
Strategic place full of Pirates
A strategic area in East Africa and piracy as a business
Somalia: Pirates of the Horn of Africa
Somalia, a country without central power, is a haven for maritime pirates. In an area of the coast, it is a very dangerous place, in the so-called Horn of Africa.
There are almost a hundred pirate camps. These pirates raid about 350 ships every year. In these assaults they seize the merchandise, and ask for ransom for both the ship and the passengers.
Through this area of Africa there is a large maritime traffic. Some 20,000 ships from all countries pass through its waters annually.
Pirates collect ransoms in the City of London
The Somali Pirates have become a danger to world navigation
Kidnapping of a luxury sailboat
The kidnapping of the Ponant
A French sailboat was hijacked, seizing the ship, with 30 crew on board.
They were later released, perhaps with payment for a previous kidnapping.
Kidnapping of a Basque Tuna Boat
The kidnapping of the Playa de Baquio fishing boat.
4 armed men hijacked the ship, which had 26 crew members.
Heavily armed, using grenade launchers damaged part of the ship.
Greek merchant
Assault and kidnapping of a merchant ship
Merchant with 25 crew members is assaulted and kidnapped by Somali pirates.
The ship was sailing 320 km from Mogadishu.
The UN against piracy
Authorize the warships to pursue them.
A resolution of the Security Council of the UN, authorized in June 2008, to persecute the pirates.
Hijacking of a Ukrainian ship
They seize a ship with weapons
A ship carrying war material, 33 battle tanks and grenade launchers.
They will not release him until the initial 25 million euro ransom is received.
A Panamanian Freighter assaulted
Kidnapped by pirates without help arriving
A Panamanian ship with 21 crew members has been hijacked once more.
She managed to issue a warning signal to the ships sailing through the area, warning of the presence of pirates.
The big bailout business
They leave them free after collecting
A South Korean merchant and another Thai have been released after paying the ransom.
NATO against piracy
Send warships
26 countries have agreed to send warships to monitor the waters, mainly of the so-called Horn of Africa.
Food aid in danger
Ship convoys and even trucks are attacked by pirates.
Warships have to escort ships with aid in the form of food to Africa.
The pirates assault the ships and seize the food. Thus endangering the feeding of thousands of people that must be distributed daily in the area. Precisely that area suffers from severe droughts and an almost permanent famine that needs international help.
Summary: Pirates, Ship hijacking, Somali pirates, rescues, NATO, protection mission, The UN, negotiations with pirates, Assault on a gun ship, Freighter hijacking, The rescue business, NATO against piracy ..