Who were the Buccaneers? Adventurers who went from hunters to pirates Buccaneers have always been known as dangerous pirates. Some of them, before dedicating themselves to piracy, dedicated …
Buccaneers: Where did they live?
Where did the Caribbean Buccaneers live? The Buccaneers lived in the Caribbean Islands. San Cristobal or Hispaniola were the origin of their way of life. Expelled, they moved to smaller islands. They …
Filibusters: Where did they live?
Where did the Filibusters of the Caribbean live? They settled where they had a strategic position, on islands in the Caribbean, in the routes. Protected by the English or French, Tortuga Island or …
Filibusters: Who were they?
Who were the Filibusters? The emergence of the Filibusters, their change of life, their conversion from buccaneers to pirates on Turtle Island and their power with English support on the island of …