Network piracy, free software
The controversy over piracy in the network of networks known as the Internet, and downloads, is served. Some try to extend everything for free. Businesses pressure governments for tougher laws.
In the world cloud, a big cake
Piracy evolves. News, hackers, downloads, network piracy, Anti-piracy laws …
It started on the Web, continues on the Cloud
The attacks in the network, are every day more numerous. The establishment of the Cloud, despite the security measures, is a cake that those who seek to obtain any extra benefit want to access.
More perfected Anti-Pirates Program
Detect illegal content and offer alternatives
New applications supported of course by the copyright industry that detect pirated software. New security programs add options such as detecting pirated software.
If after analyzing the URL, the program detects illegal content, it warns the user and gives him the option to ignore it or acquire it legally. In this way, the user who wants to avoid problems can analyze the alternatives that are presented and choose the most appropriate.
International Assembly of Pirate Parties
Thirty Pirate Parties have participated
Pirate Parties from all over the world and aspiring members of the International Assembly of Pirate Parties have gathered in Russia.
A declaration has been issued proclaiming to promote democracy, the right to information, and the protection of civil rights. They acknowledge copyright, but recommend that the duration of these rights be no more than 5 years.
Countries featured in Network Piracy
China, Romania, USA, Bulgaria ..
Theft of data, especially financial
According to a study, the countries that stand out the most in cyber attacks and data theft are China, Romania, USA … These countries use hackers to seize data, especially from financial institutions and companies that use espionage for commercial purposes.
The Pirate Party
Participation Transparency + Human rights guarantees
For the Pirate party, since politicians do not comply, there must be direct citizen participation
The pirate party, in imitation of the pirate parties of northern Europe and Germany, advocates direct citizen participation. They ask citizens to get more involved and participate more.
Fed up with the fact that it has become normal for politicians not to fulfill their electoral promises and stay in office for 4 long years, he considers that the solution is more participation, greater transparency and guarantees of human rights.
The EU against the Banks
They launder the money of the Pirates
Pirates and Bankers
Given the high cost of maritime piracy for Europe, the EESC (European Economic and Social Committee) has decided to take action. The cost in money is almost 10 billion euros. However, in lives, 6 sailors were killed by pirates and almost 500 have been or are prisoners.
The EESC proposes to carry out measures against the banks that launder the money of pirates and not of them can be to draw up a black list where those banks that use the ransom money paid to the pirates are listed.
Greenpeace chases pirate ship
Mauritius: Illegal fishing
The abuses committed by boats from various countries that practice fishing as a form of piracy, are sweeping the seas. These boats do not even operate with permits in the waters of African countries, one of these vessels is the Dongwon of Korean nationality, which despite not having permits, carries out pirate fishing.
Greenpeace has asked the Government of Mauritius not to grant permission to dock this ship, nor to unload fish from this ship in its ports.
The dangerous new traps
Pirates on the Internet: Next to the video they install a spy program
Highly significant sporting or social events are used by hackers to break into computers. Wanting to be informed or know too much can be very expensive.
Along with the information that is usually video of accidents, attacks, wars, musicals, etc., a program is installed that makes the control of the computer pass to the power of one of the pirates, thus increasing the number of machines under their control. Later they will use them for their purposes, from stealing information, to being puppets and used to attack other computers.
Sanctions on Pirate Banks
They break the law for years in the USA
The North American authorities have opened a file with a bank for not declaring the movements of the operations carried out for more than 250,000 million dollars. The Standard Chartered jeopardized security
Spain to the limit
Criticisms of the draft reform of the Intellectual Property Law continue. The new law will be the most restrictive in Europe and makes virtually all copying illegal. The project has also not taken into account the European Community Directives on illegal copies.
Only the copy made from the television and temporarily will be legal. Therefore, it will be difficult to find a citizen who does not have an illegal copy in his house. The organizations urge the government to rectify before it is too late.
Increase in Pirates and Mules on the Internet
Mules try to earn money easily
The need to earn some money makes it easier and easier to establish contact online and respond to an announcement to work part-time. Thanks to these types of advertisements, pirates stock up on email addresses and volunteers who, in exchange for earning some money, act like mules.
Mules are used to make links and transfer money from the account of the victims who suffer the scam by means of a deception, usually through PHISHING (Simulation of the website of their bank). The mule therefore acts as an intermediate account so that the money does not reach the pirate directly.
Commerce, industrial and military espionage, cyber warfare
Entrepreneurs and industrial espionage
Hackers are no longer used just to take credit card data from banks, or to attack large companies, and even as a social complaint. The danger of industrial espionage is becoming more and more important.
Sometimes companies are spied on by the competition to anticipate plans for new product launches, or new promotions. For this reason, more and more attempts are being made to maximize the security measures of companies.
Asphalt pirates arrested
The new pirates are no longer limited to boarding galleons with treasures, now they are served by trucks and better if they are of large tonnage. The arrest of a group of asphalt pirates who had been stealing Brazilian trucks for years has been an important but belated action.
The pirates’ mode of action was simple to kidnap a driver and seize his truck. The driver was normally abandoned many kilometers from the place of the assault. Language difficulties delayed the start of the investigation by giving the pirates time to put the truck in a safe place.
Music piracy encourages sales
Contrary to what was considered until now, it seems that online sales are not affected by music piracy. A study by the European Commission sees correlations between downloads and online sales. But if you consider that music piracy sinks the physical sales of music, although you also consider that the habits have changed.
By countries, those who pirate the least and buy the most are the Germans. And those who buy the least are the Spanish and Italians.
Margaret Thatcher, a pirate in Argentina
England occupied the Falkland Islands in the 19th century, totally unilaterally. From that moment it was claimed by Argentina, for 2 century, without paying attention to her claims. The occupation of the Malvinas by Argentine troops marked the beginning of the war with England.
Argentina once again lost the islands thanks to the fact that England had North American support, in addition to the land bases and the information that Chile gave it at that time, directed by the dictator Pinochet.
Hachear tenaciously devoted himself to war as a political solution to his low popularity. Her disproportionate economic cuts and the privatization of important public sectors in the country, had politically sunk her. Her triumph in this war saved her politically.
But from the Argentine point of view, knowing the long history of English pirates and corsairs, Margaret has gone down in Argentine history as a Pirate, who once again snatched the Falkland Islands from them.
Pirate landing on the beach
During the festivities a pirate landing takes place in the so-called Playa de los Pescadores. There will also be a fight between the pirates and the villagers, which will end with a pact between the two. These combats recall the pirate attacks that the town suffered between the 16th and 18th centuries.
Related to intellectual and commercial piracy in Spain
According to investigations carried out by the international police agency INTERPOL, there is a link between piracy and human trafficking.
The large debt pending payment for the illegal transport of people to Europe makes the mafias collect it with illegal activities. For this reason, a large number of people who have come to the peninsula illegally are forced by the mafias to sell pirated products through the streets and small markets. In the case of women, they can be forced to prostitute themselves on the roads or in brothels, especially outside the cities.
The WCO against pharmaceutical piracy
At its annual meeting, the WCO World Customs Organization warns governments that there are signs that piracy is entering the pharmaceutical sector, and calls for measures to prevent its expansion of this sector due to the serious consequences it could have.
Law against Internet Piracy
Brazil already applies the new law against electronic piracy. People who get data from other computers without their permission will be punished.
This law tries to punish hackers who obtain data, photos and passwords to access computer systems and make inappropriate use of them.
Chinese sanitary pirates
Taking advantage of the fact that nearly 300 million Chinese have emigrated from their rural provinces and therefore do not have the right to medical care, pirate clinics proliferate. In China, to be able to emigrate to another province, you need a permit. His absence does not allow emigration, a labor contract, or health care.
Health pirates treat desperate patients like abusively priced merchandise, leaving them stranded even locked up if they show up if they suspect the police are coming.
Hackers are very fond of trying to penetrate other people’s computer systems for various reasons
Hackers continue out of curiosity or espionage everywhere

Hackers, a dangerous hobby
New Pirates: computer hackers ..
News of Pirates and Computers, Computer scientists and Hackers ..
Hacking Today: Cyber Armies, Cyber Warfare, Hackers, Hackers ..
Young people with their own ideas
Governments recruit them to create their own Cyber armies
There are more and more organized cyber attacks and there are suspicions not only from individuals but also from governments.
Pirates of Morocco
They attack university servers. Hacker group “Moroccan Ghosts”
The Moroccan fundamentalist group of hackers attacked servers of a Spanish university that had to reinforce their computer security. They managed to enter with the keys of a student and from there access more unprotected common areas.
The hacker group claims that the so-called Spanish Sahara belongs to Morocco, which belonged to Spain until 1880, and was decolonized by Spain in 1975 and has occupied Morocco since then. As well as the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, which are Spanish provinces and have belonged to Spain since the years 1580 and 1556, respectively, when the State of Morocco did not yet exist.
Syrian Regime Hackers
They attack US websites
New York Times, Marines.com attacked by hackers
What started with a threat has been fulfilled. The opposition to an American intervention in Syria has been carried out by pirates with attacks on relevant websites.
After attacking the New York Times, now it is the turn of the recruitment page Marines.com that appeared with messages against the American intervention.
A hacker to influence the Stock Market
Modified an agency news
Economic wars and scams can already be done through Intered. The global network of networks can be influenced if you manage to modify economic news. This is what has already happened and its repercussion has been that the Dow Jones index has been altered, falling the value of the New York Stock Exchange.
In an environment as unstable as that of stock brokers, who are aware of the latest news to get ahead of their competitors, a slight modification of a news can cause panic to appear. Subsequently, the alteration of the values of the Stock Market and the sale and purchase can be carried out at a frantic speed.
Difficulty stopping
Hackers for its flat structure. Detained member of the LulzSec group
As a result of the arrest of a member of LulzSec, the effectiveness of the arrest has been questioned due to the virtual non-existence of commanders in the hacker groups. These groups do not work with a hierarchical structure that would facilitate at least temporarily paralyzing their activities by stopping a command, as occurs in other organizations.
In the network: China, Romania, USA, Bulgaria .. Theft of data, especially financial
According to a study, the countries that stand out the most in cyber attacks and data theft are China, Romania, USA … These countries use hackers to seize data, especially from financial institutions and companies that use espionage for commercial purposes.
Computer Hacking Agreements
USA and China, creation of a working group to collaborate
After the US accusations about the actions of a Chinese army unit that has carried out attacks on American institutions, the agreement is reached. During the past year China was accused among other things of the theft of data from American companies in China.
With this agreement, both countries create a working group for mutual cyber protection. The mission of this group would be the protection of essential services in a modern state, such as nuclear power plants, electricity grid, railways, banks, financial transactions, etc. Both countries are concerned about the attack on their vital sectors.
Syria and its cyber army
Hacker armies
Wars are no longer fought only on the battlefield. The battle for information and misinformation is no longer only in the written press, television and radio. Given the rise of internet networks, such as twitter, facebook, etc., governments and even terrorist groups carry out cyber attacks in the face of new media.
The so-called Cyber Army that supports the Syrian Government, has attacked American media accounts on the internet, through messages against the American Government and its president. According to these messages, the American CIA arms and helps the Syrian rebels against the government.
Dangerous new traps
Pirates on the Internet, together with the video, install a spyware
Highly significant sporting or social events are used by hackers to break into computers. Wanting to be informed or know too much can be very expensive.
Along with the information that is usually video of accidents, attacks, wars, musicals, etc., a program is installed that makes the control of the computer pass to the power of one of the pirates, thus increasing the number of machines under their control. Later they will use them for their purposes, from stealing information, to being puppets and used to attack other computers.
Pirates carry out hacking
Companies with refund options. Data hijacking and ransom
Time passed when only large companies were in danger from cyberattacks. Currently medium-sized companies are also threatened by hackers who seize their information.
A whole business that makes managers tremble who see how their data has been stolen. But the pirates are making it easier every time, in exchange for a sum of money they promise to return the stolen information and not sell it to third parties.
Hervé Falciani the Good Pirate
Alerts us free of bad evaders in Madrid
The computer scientist who notified the Swiss Bank and the various National Banks of Spain, France, etc. did not charge for the data he provided. This action allowed to locate almost 150,000 tax evaders who used HSBC accounts as a Tax Haven. The value of what was defrauded amounts to more than 250,000 million euros.
It is expected that Spain will not authorize the extradition to Switzerland, since there is no bank secrecy.
The US Congress
Debate laws on Cyber Security in the United States of North America
The large number of hacker attacks on large companies is causing the North American Congress to debate laws on Security and Prevention in Information Technology,
The key points of the American society, financial, business,
industrial sector, electricity companies, communications, transportation, etd may be in danger.
Given this situation, among other measures, it is studied to claim for negligence those companies that do not use sufficient security systems.
LulzSec hacker group court
This group of the Anonymous collective, which became famous for its Cyber attacks on large companies such as Nintendo, Son and Murdoch’s network of companies, was arrested in 2011. The group was outraged at the time by the closure of WikiLeaks and carried out numerous attacks on leading companies.
At the moment he has only pleaded guilty to one of the 4 charges against him and a sentence is pending.
Investigations carried out by South Korea into pirate attacks on its communications are paying off. Collaborations between hackers from the North and the South have been discovered. There have been detainees. At least 3 people accused of hackers and buying illegal programs.
North Korea is suspected of having a pirate army of more than 3,000 members.
Pirates attack ing
A pirate attack on the bank has prevented customers from using ATMs. It has also affected Internet payments through PayPal. This attack joins the problems that already occurred this week and the wrong notes that have even occurred in Belgium. Users have not been able to access their accounts online
North Korea dance the tango
The North Korean website has been hacked by a group of hackers claiming to be from Anonymous. The main page and the photos of Twitter and Flickr have been modified by adding a couple dancing a tango and phrases such as “Wanted”. A video of American planes also appeared on YouTube.
The most famous
Spied on by computer hackers in the USA
There are more and more celebrities who have seen their personal data published on an Internet website. A group of hackers has infiltrated your computers and seized confidential data. The list of famous actors, singers, politicians, officials and personalities is increasing.
Actors and singers like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mel Gibson, Hillary Clinton, Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, Lady Gaga, Robert De Niro, athletes like Tiger Wood or Dennis Rodman, politicians and high officials like Julia Pierson, Mitt Romney and even Wayne LaPierre the tall representative of the powerful American Rifle Defense Association.