After the search for the reunification of Latin America
Marcelo Gullo in his book Madre Patria, dismantling the Black Legend from Bartolomé de las Casas to separatism. He explains the division of Hispano-America, dependent countries.
Marcelo Gullo Omodeo
Geopolitical analyst and creator of the founding Insubordination Theory. It spreads the concepts of “Threshold of power” and “Subordinate countries and subordinate countries”
He considers that a country in a stage of subordination can sometimes carry out a process of founding insubordination, (developing the elements, cultural and material), until it leaves the stage of political subordination and economic exploitation.
His book “The founding insubordination: a brief history of the construction of the power of nations”, received the Ohesterheld award for best work of the year. Enthusiastic disseminator of concepts such as: “Power of nations”, “Insubordination and development”, “Mother country”, “Keys to development” etc.
He has a doctorate in Political Science and a Master’s in International Relations from the University Institute of Higher International Studies of the University of Geneva. He also has other studies such as a graduate in International Studies in Madrid and a degree in Political Science. Disciple of the Brazilian political scientist Helio Jaguaribe and the Uruguayan sociologist and theologian Alberto Methol Ferré.
Published works
He has published other books such as:
- Insubordination and Development: the keys to the success and failure of nations
- International Relations: A Critical Theory from the South American Periphery
- Argentina Brazil: The Great Opportunity
- The hidden story. The struggle of the Argentine people for their independence from the English empire
- Haya de la Torre. The struggle for the Great Homeland (1917-1931)
Motherland: Madre Patria (Marcelo Gullo)
England fed up with being defeated in its attempts to invade Spanish America for 300 years and after the defeats in the invasions of the Rio de la Plata in 1806 and 1807, it decided to take a new path, that of division. England promotes the independence of Spanish America and helps it militarily.
England makes sure that from this independence does not arise a powerful state, but a multitude of territories that soon launch against each other in fratricidal wars. These wars destroy the economy and produce a foreign debt, generating hatred between peoples that distances them more and more.
Borders and territories have changed too frequently, from one Spanish American country to another, depending on the interests of British or American companies. Uruguay was born as a country so that Argentina did not totally control the mouth of the Rio de la Plata. Bolivia lost its exit to the Pacific after some demands to the English mining companies. Paraguay and Bolivia had a war over the interests of a US oil company. Infinity of similar cases. For 200 years, more than 150 coups d’état and military interventions have prevented Latin America from uniting and taking off economically. Poverty continues to increase year after year.
This process continues today. England maintains expensive military installations in the Falkland Islands, as an assault base at the right time on the Argentine Pampa. The Mapuche independence movement is based in London and is preparing the ground for the next action. All indigenous movements are encouraged, blaming the Spanish Black Legend for the ills they suffer, when really their problems and extreme poverty appear when Spain leaves. It was the Creoles of Independence who repealed the Spanish laws that protected the indigenous people and kept them with the ownership of their lands for centuries. The independence criollos seized the best indigenous lands up to that time protected.
The introduction of free trade is the ultimate weapon to sink your industry and expand the market for English products. Dependency increases, prevents industrial take-off and turns Hispanic countries exclusively into a source of raw materials, minerals, livestock, agricultural sold at ridiculous prices.
To justify this underdevelopment that they have created, they revive the Spanish black legend, created during the European Middle Ages and promoted in the 16th and 17th centuries by England, Holland, Germany etc. All the evils are no longer attributed to the 200 years of chaos after the independences and the division in more than 20 countries. that England and the United States have provoked. To hide the fact that much of the wealth of the United States and England comes from the abuses that are committed in Latin America, from time to time the Black Legend reappears, attributing the evils to the Spanish heritage.
The situation is so serious that it teaches a manipulated story. The very history books of these countries have been created by the traditional enemies of Spain. A cultural subordination has been created. From the United States, the Legend continues to spread to distract from current abuses and to hide the serious genocides that took place in the United States, after Spain left those territories.
A bad example that is repeated every so often. The situation of misery is so great that in Argentina poverty has reached 40% of the population. To distract the population and look for a culprit to divert attention, and avoid their guilt, they look in History, instead of recent history and their powerful neighbor, the United States.
Mexican politicians attack Spain for the discovery and conquest of America, but they do not say a word about the fact that the US seized half of Mexico’s territory. Every so-called Treaty of Friendship with the United States was a loss for Mexico. The breach of these Treaties by the U.S, facilitated that thousands of Mexicans who changed country, were hanged or evicted from their lands. They accuse Spain of genocide, but do not say anything about the genocide in the U.S. Although the data are impressive and only 1% of the US population is indigenous and most of them live in the territories that were Spanish, compared to a large part of the mestizo population in Latin America.
Marcelo Gullo Omodeo
The black legend that led to the social and cultural subordination of Latin America and Spain, for centuries
Última actualización el 2021-05-18 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados
Marcelo quotes his ideas in headlines
“How can it be that Spaniards and Hispanic Americans accept the history written by our enemies?”
“The Spanish black legend is the first ‘fake news’ in history”
“Spain accepted all kinds of criticism within itself, even those of Bartolomé de las Casas, which were totally false. There was an unprecedented freedom of thought”
“The black legend, the greatest cultural creation in history to discredit an empire and deactivate a people, the Spaniards, or better, two, if the Hispanic Americans are counted”
“It is the Spanish Empire that is facing the British, who cannot defeat it on the military plane and it does so on the commercial and cultural level”“Spain is the best of Europe during the 16th century, but that is buried by British propaganda”
“The real Europe had been made by Italy and Spain. Spain is going to give the best of Europe for 100 years”
“The conquest by Hernán Cortés was based on a revolt led by the Spanish, against the Aztec rule in which the indigenous peoples participated.”
“Aztec imperialism was the most atrocious of humanity: thousands and thousands of people from the dominated peoples were sacrificing every day”
“There has been no entity that has managed to kill as many people in one day as the Aztec Empire”
“The conquest was actually the liberation of 80 percent of Mexicans.”
“If Hernán Cortés was successful it is because he told those subjugated peoples that this was going to end:” with us this will never happen “
“Spain did not conquer America; Spain liberated America”
“Spain liberated America, and melted its blood, its spirit and its culture”
“That of Spain was the deepest miscegenation in history”
“Mexico is very ‘brave’ in reviewing its history with Spain, but it does not do the same with the United States”
“Both Hispanic Americans and Spaniards have lost the great cultural battle for the historical narrative”
“Spain and the countries of Latin America run the risk of falling apart due to this denaturing of their history”
“Spain and Latin America are losing the north because they have forgotten their true history, disfigured by the political propaganda that the Dutch, English, Americans and Soviets have successfully poured for centuries”
“Most of the money stayed in America to build hospitals, schools and infrastructure”
“Schools, infrastructures, hospitals were built, and they were all free, most of the money remained in Latin American territory. Spain took only 5% percent in taxes”
“Only a massive Hispanic-American immigration will prevent Spain from becoming a” China theme park “
“Spain badly negotiated its accession to Europe because of the inferiority complex derived from the black legend”
“The Black Legend is the triumphant story and to go against that story implies being expelled from the academic world. It is the hegemonic story”
Context: Empire, Independence and Legend
He considers that the Spanish Black Legend is the greatest propaganda creation in history, which currently remains, to discredit the Spanish Empire and demoralize the Spanish. This legend has been used to justify the Independence of more than 20 Latin American countries and to blame Spain, while exonerating others, for the evils that others have done. The United States favored the spread of the Black Legend in Mexico, to distract attention from the annexation of more than half of the Mexican territory to the U.S. Incredibly, it was accepted by Mexican politicians who also needed it to justify their independence from Spain. Faced with the indigenous movement and corruption, it continues to be a good distraction.
Only Spain is required. Although there have been many Empires throughout history, only apologies are required from Spain. No one apologizes for the deeds carried out by the Mongol, Russian, British, Belgian, Persian Empire etc. However, all imaginable evils are attributed to the Spanish Empire according to the imaginary propagating for 500 years by the Spanish Black Legend.
The Spanish did not conquer Tenochtitlán, they were the different indigenous nations of the adjacent territories fed up with paying tributes to thousands of their neighbors, for the endless and bloody Aztec sacrifices. Hernán Cortés only brought them together and organized for more than 200,000 Mexicans to attack the city.
Hispano-America was organized in Viceroyalties. The Crown of Spain did not consider Spanish America as a colony. They were Viceroyalties, with a replica organization of the institutions of the peninsula. If he dictated the Laws of the Indies to defend and protect the indigenous, creating the figure of the Defender of the Indigenous, unique case. Contrary to the English, he recommended and facilitated miscegenation. The British Empire and later the United States criminalized interracial marriages. Spain was 400 years ahead of the Anglo-Saxons on this issue of miscegenation.
Spain in 70 years created more than 200 of the main current cities and most of them in the interior of the continent. While the English and Portuguese only created cities on the coast to get raw materials more easily from their colonies. While Spain behaved like an Empire, other countries like England simply applied Imperialism.
The Crown of Spain created 32 universities in Latin America. The top 25 universities stood for centuries with a high degree of standard. Hundreds of professors were brought in and they followed the same methods of the prestigious University of Salamanca.
A large network of hospitals was created, better even than those on the peninsula in Europe. They had the knowledge of European medicine and all the remedies, plants and wisdom of traditional American medicine.
The wealth of Latin America in the year 1800, was praised by European visitors such as the traveler and scientist Humboldt, who highlighted its industry, and its standard of living superior to that of areas of Germany such as Saxony.
The independences were made by the Spanish Creoles. For the most part, the indigenous people supported the royalist armies. They had powerful reasons to support Spain. In all the royalist armies there were not more than 1500 Spaniards. As it was possible to see nothing else obtained the independence the natives were left without their lands and without the protection of the Spanish Laws. England sent soldiers and mercenaries. English soldiers landed in the Rio de la Plata, as well as the English fleet. In Venezuela the English legion sent more than 5,000 soldiers.
Native Americans: Guajiros, Incas and Mapuches with Spain. The support of the indigenous people was so clear that they participated openly against the independentistas. The revolt was not popular, it was organized by some Creoles supported by England. They passed through the villages and recruited by force. The distrust was such that they were kept in chains so that they would not flee. In the ranks of the rebels were chained prisoners who had to fight by force against the royalists by placing them in the front row of the battle.