Century after century the Spanish Black Legend continues
Elvira Roca explains the origin of the Spanish Black Legend and its dissemination for its use against the Spanish Empire as propaganda against it.
Maria Elvira Roca Barea
This Spanish philologist worked at the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and at Harvard University, she taught. He has published other successful books such as Fracasología and 6 Exemplary Stories. He has given many lectures and regularly participates in interviews and discussions.
His work Imperiophobia has already had more than 25 editions. It has received high praise and continues to be very attractive for the ease and convenience of its reading. It defends that Spain created a precursor empire of human rights and facilitating the miscegenation something very different from what other European countries such as England, Germany or Belgium did. Despite this, the Spanish Empire is accused of being more bloodthirsty than the others.
Imperiophobia and black legend (Roca)
“With the work of Elvira Roca we are again aware of” to what extent the entire history of Spain was distorted and had been manipulated to offer an absolutely negative vision of it and contrary, of course, to the progress of civilization “
(Historian Fernando García de Cortázar)
In order to better analyze the Spanish Empire, make a comparison with other famous Empires in history, such as Rome, Russia or the United States. Explain their work and the problems they had. At some point in these empires, black legends arose created by their enemies, the local powers they subdued or fought with. With these black legends it is intended to discredit them, since they had no other way to attack them, due to their great political, economic and military weakness. These enemies were so inferior, that they could not stand up to them directly.
They are called Legends, since they are not based on real events, but on propaganda with exaggerations and misrepresentations of important facts. But over time these legends are frequently despised by empires when they are powerful, out of pride or arrogance. But they continue in time and end up being taken over by these empires in their moments of decline, when their enemies are most powerful.
Find the first origin of the Black Legend in Humanist Italy, which is powerless to stop the advance of the Kingdom of Aragon through the Mediterranean and sees how much of Italy and its main islands, Sardinia or Sicily, are occupied. This Black Legend was born with an intellectual prestige that they make it last, trying to justify anti-Hispanic prejudices through reason and covered with science.
Later it continues with the religious reform movement of Luther, supported by the powerful German princes, fearful of losing their privileges, before the new emperor Charles V. The rebellion and civil war of the future Netherlands (Holland) and England were greatly reformed, that they need it and used it as part of their collective imagination as nations. This Spanish Black Legend continues today, it is already installed in popular culture, due to its massive propaganda for centuries and it is easy to resurrect it to attribute new evils or distract from other current problems.
Maria Elvira Roca Barea
Rome, Russia, the United States and the Spanish Empire
Última actualización el 2021-05-23 / Enlaces de afiliados / Imágenes de la API para Afiliados