Pirates but Friends
The pirate friends of the island. A club where they had a great time, without thinking that they were different, in their appearance, language, religion, tastes, height, etc. They enjoyed knowing and taking advantage of the differences
The importance of friendship above all
Handbook of the Good Pirate
Some rules to meet to be a solidarity pirate and everyone can enjoy the pirate life. Less arguments and fights. We have to be able to agree and have fun all together, while learning things.
Group fun, dressing up as pirates is an option that never fails. Everyone can choose the costume they like the most, pirate captain, cabin boy, fierce pirate. One chooses a type of cap or hat. Another prepares his weapon, pistol or sword. And that one there, he puts on or paints a beard and a mustache to his liking. There is no shortage of people who paint a huge scar or put an adhesive tattoo that gives it more fierceness.
Brotherhood of the Brothers of the Coast
A club for fun, based on a true story
Based on a true historical event, the values of friendship and companionship can be fostered among children. The Pirate Republic that became Tortuga Island worked so well that for almost 100 years it was present in the Caribbean Sea.
Pirates and Friends a great advantage
Friends despite differences
Some Pirates realized that they were wrong in thinking that because they were different on the outside, they had to be different on the inside as well.
And they became friends and created a club where everyone had fun together, sharing their things without arguing or fighting.
Some rules to follow
They didn’t argue like that. This was his trick, the rules. They all knew what to do. In this way there was peace between them.
When they discovered that sharing was more fun, everything was much better from then on for everyone. Since everyone could play with each other’s things. They always collaborated with each other. That way they always had lots of things to have fun with.
The Club of the Brothers of the Coast
The discovery of something very important: Friendship. Very friends despite the differences, tall or short, blond or brown, white or black, blue or black eyes …
There was a beautiful island in the Caribbean where a group of pirates lived.
Each one was different, one had a face patch, as one eye was missing. Another had a wooden leg, as one leg was missing.
That one had a habit of always carrying a parrot on his shoulder to talk to him and keep him company. The other was blond with straight hair. The one next to him was slim and tall. The one from beyond with strong black skin. So you could see pirates of every imaginable type.
It was a group of pirates who continually argued and fought. What if you are missing a leg! You only have one eye! What a hair you have! And so on continuously. With this way of behaving there was no way to play, or to have fun.
That is why this group of pirates decided to create a club to always be together, not argue or fight and have much more fun.
It was a club in which everyone could have and play with everyone’s things. In this way, by sharing each of the things they had with the others, they could also enjoy the things that the others had.
When they went to this club they had a great time as there were many things to entertain themselves with. Sometimes they played with the things of one, other times with the things of the others.
They were all the same there because they realized that there were things that did not depend on themselves. There were things that had them by chance. Things that had them since they were born. For example: having light or dark eyes, being taller or shorter, being blond or dark, curly or straight hair, white or black skin etc.
And they also realized that these casual things were not worth by themselves since they did not depend on oneself. These characteristics came to them by chance at birth. And therefore any of them could have been blond or brown, tall or short, etc.
When they realized this, they became more friends every day, because they understood that they were more similar to each other than they previously thought. And that they had no merit to be this way or the other, since neither had done anything special to be the way they were.
They realized that the most important thing was Friendship.
This discovery made his life more interesting and fun by being able to share the news and experiences of others.
The moral of this story
Having good friends is one of the most important things in life