Pirates and Marinaos hooked on Tobacco
Tobacco quickly became popular with sailors and pirates in the 16th century. Many times they had to content themselves with chewing it especially on ships. This strong addiction and this great business came to Europe
Little by little this custom spread throughout Europe, creating millions of tobacco addicts.
Smoking and chewing tobacco
Columbus met him on his 2nd trip (1493-6)
Christopher Columbus was surprised that the Indians were blowing smoke from their mouths and noses. Some of the Spaniards when they saw them considered it to be something from the demons. They had never seen anything like it. No human being smoked from the mouth.
America Tobacco
Tobacco, at first it was considered typical of savages but its consumption soon spread throughout Europe. It was considered the custom of primitive people. But some Europeans started trying it and ended up smoking regularly. Tobacco, in addition to being pleasant to many people, was found to also make them dependent. Men who smoked once tended to repeat it, over and over again.
Columbus surprised on his 2 voyage (1493-6)
Juan Ponce de León brought seeds
It was his travel companion, Juan Ponce de León, who commented on it the most when he saw the indigenous people smoke some plants.
Used by indigenous priests in their ceremonies to divine the future. For this they used long tubes to suck it up, as an aid to make interpretations and omens.
Bartolomé de las Casas called it Tobaco
In 1502 this Spaniard made it known
Although smoking initially produced aversion and was considered a thing of demons, it became popular. The need to smoke the so-called peace pipes in ceremonies with the Indians made some Spaniards get used to tobacco and they soon acquired the vice.
Natural History of the Indies
Details of the plant are described
Hernández de Oviedo y Valdés describes it in his work, Natural History of the Indies. This description was read throughout Europe, as more translations were made into the major European languages. When tobacco arrived in Europe, its fame had already spread and many people wanted to start smoking to try it.
Gift of Hernán Cortés
He sent seeds to Carlos V
The habit of smoking surprised the Spanish. The Indians naturally blew smoke out of their mouths. This custom of the natives was soon commented on throughout Spain and Europe.
Later travelers from other countries, Portuguese, French, English, and Dutch, reported what was considered a wild custom and more typical of demons, than of people. The scandal swept across Europe.
Tobacco cultivation begins in North America
1584 English settlers become smokers
English colony in Virginia
Walter Raleigh created the first English colony in America. This first English attempt to settle in North America had a curious effect, on the European continent, since a custom of the Native Americans was disclosed.
Although this colony was a failure, but it had unexpected consequences for the colonists and the other Europeans due to the new custom they acquired.
1586 Return of the colonists to England
The colony disappears from Virginia
The return of the English colonists, since they could not endure the confrontations with the Indians, marked the end of the first English colony in America.
As had happened with the Spanish colonies in Georgia, Carolina and Virginia also failed. The ignorance of the area, the harsh almost glacial climate at times, the terrible hurricanes that destroyed what was built, devastating everything in their path.
When these colonists returned to England, they brought with them the habit of smoking and it spread throughout Europe.
The 2nd English colony found its business in the cultivation of Tobacco
It was able to survive thanks to its export
The enormous difficulties of installing a new colony in Virginia had the ally of the tobacco export. Tobacco growing became a thriving business that attracted investors and new settlers. An English trading company bought the entire crop and sold it in England and even other countries in Europe.
The English Gold of America was the cultivation of Tobacco. It led to the sending of colonists supported by English companies that would be dedicated to the sale in the European Continent.
The pirates chewed it
Because of how dangerous it is to smoke on boats
The boats of the time were made of wood and the fear of fire was permanent. For this reason, smoking was prohibited on board ships. There were very few places on the ship where it was safe to smoke. For this reason, smoking was prohibited on most ships.
Boats until almost the 20th century have always been made of wood. The driving force was the wind, so they were filled with huge sails and ropes. A spark could create a cat